Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Pissed Off

Today was a very yucky day. I was like pissed off the whole day and I just didn't feel like myself. In orchestra, me and Shannon just recited like half of the Legally Blonde Musical (ok so not really half, but the point is we could be on Broadway). Lunch was...idk i was super pissed off at lunch. First of all, someone won't stop going on and on about a certain someone else and it's pissing me off and annoying me. Then Abigayle and Katie and Shannon are laughing uncontrollably even though nothing funny happened and that pissed me off like super bad. Social Studies was the only good part of my day. Me and Katie were making bad cards for our game, so we did the alligator one, then we did one that said You fell into a deep dark hole with a spider in it. The spider bit you and you had to have your leg amputated. Move back five spaces. It was soooo funny! And in math, we were grading our homework and ms walterbach said that if we didn't show our work on one problem, it was automatically wrong which isn't fair. i got the answer right, but i didn't show my work, so anna, who was grading mine, said that she would count it wrong. Which pissed me off sooo bad, so i said Maybe not. and she gave me an evil face and then i told her that she's gotta be bad sometimes and that ms walterbach wasn't gonna come around, checking if we showed our work or not. (we don't turn our homework in, we just tell her what we got on it) And so that made me pissed and I don't think i ended up telling her i got it wrong, i said i got 100%. So I was pissed off like all day. And now I have tons of homework and hockey tonight. Uggg... Oh yeah I might not have time to update this tomorrow. And I definitely won't have time to update it Friday, Saturday, or Sunday cuz I'll be in Gunnison. So I'll try to update tomorrow, but my next definite update will be on Monday. So have a good weekend. Luv you all!