Friday, January 25, 2008


Hallelujah! It's Friday! I know this was a short week and all, but I don't think I've ever looked forward to a Friday more. This week was okay. Before school, I had to give my NJHS hours form to Mr. Waalkes (cuz Mr. Copper wasn't there) and Lyndsie had to show him the shirts she bought. So we found him sitting on the bench by the office. So we start to walk there from the cafeteria and the lady who always stands there to make sure you don't go into the actual main school when you're not supposed to yelled at us (even though Waalkes was only like 20 feet away), so Mallory and Kristen took care of her while me and Lyndsie ran to Waalkes. I handed him my hours form quickly and Lyndsie stayed to talk to him. So I walk back to Mallory and Kristen and the mean lady is yelling at him and she's like What were you doing? And Kristen said We needed to talk to Mr. Waalkes about NJHS. And the lady goes Well you know you're not supposed to do that and you're NJHS too. She was so pissed and we were all just like Geez lady, what's your problem? So anyway, orchestra was boring and so was choir. But we got to work on our author projects in language arts and so I just talked the whole time. I was trying to draw Lord Ombra from the book Peter and the ShadowThieves and he's just this cloaked thing with arms. So I drew him and he looked just like a bell. Yeah it was sad. And I tried to draw a dog, but it just didn't work out. lol I'm not that talented of an artist. In science, we did a lab and Ms. Askham came to our class and said she was gonna videotape somebody doing the lab so the people who were absent in her class when they did it could watch it and not have to actually take the time to do it. And guess who she chose to videotape? Yep, me and my partner. It was very nervewracking. And to make it all worse, my partner left less than halfway through the lab to go to the bathroom. So there I am all by myself, being videotaped by some lady, and not knowing really what exactly to do. It kinda sucked. Except now I'll be famous with all the absent people from the other class. So at lunch, Kristen told us that Brooke Dunning had seen Shannon's camera (it was stolen last week out of her locker in case you didn't know) outside on the hill by the hall where me and Katie's lockers are. So then we saw Shannon and she asked Mr. Talbot if she could go look for it and he said no. So me and Katie and Evan asked Ms. Cavaleri if we could go look for it and she said yes. So we looked and it was freezing cold and it was kinda creepy out there all alone. I felt like I was in Mission Impossible or something like that. We didn't find the camera. So we went back to advisement and Ms Cav asked us if we found it. Katie said No, we need to talk to Brooke Dunning. And Ms. Cav says That Brooke Dunning? And all of a sudden, there is Brooke in our advisement class and she isn't really in it. So Brooke took us outside and showed us where she saw the camera, but it wasn't there. So we went in and checked the office and the lost and found, but we couldn't find it. But it was quite fun looking for it. And Shannon, I hope you either get a new camera, or someone finds yours! In social studies, me and Katie and Abigayle were working on the questions for our game and all of a sudden, I reach over, scribble on the side of Katie's paper, start laughing all weird, then go SHHHH!!!!!! It was funny! In math we took a super easy test. And that sucked because I spent 2 hours studying for it last night and it was like, the easiest test I've ever taken. And when I got home from school, I was surprised cuz my mommy was home! Yay! I luv my mommy! I'm gonna go shopping tomorrow and on Sunday, I have a hockey scrimmage at 7:30 in the morning. That means I have to be there at 6:30, and the rink is super far away, so I'll have to leave at 5:30 and get up at 4. That sucks, but I don't know if I'm gonna go cuz it's just a scrimmage and I have 4 games next weekend anyway. I will try to update tomorrow. I hope you all have a great weekend!


Shannon said...

Hey! Thanks for the luck! LYLAS have fun at hockey!

Sarah said...

Thanx, I'll try!