Thursday, February 7, 2008


So sorry I haven't updated in a looong time! I've been sooo busy with hockey and homework. So as you all know, I was in Gunnison this weekend playing hockey. Yeah, and we ROCKED!!!! Yeah, we won 3 out of 4 games and the governor of Colorado was at our first game! And in that same game, our goalie, Ivy, got into a fight. Yeah, like throwing punches and everything. I used to hate her, but she can be really cool at times. I almost scored a few times. Especially this one time, when I had an open shot and the puck was on my stick and right as I was about to shoot, one of their girls threw herself at me and I went flying like 6 feet in the air. And she didn't even get a penalty. So not cool. But we kicked Telluride's asses 3-0 the first time and 8-0 the second time. Yeah and it was so cold that your breath froze on your helmet cage and when I saw that, I didn't know that it was frozen, so I put my tongue on it and it got stuck for a while. It was funny. We all had a lot of fun though. Like we went out to eat at a Chinese restaurant and me and meg and jill were having an insulting each other contest. So I said to Jill (the ceiling at our pool at the hotel had clouds painted on it) You know that cloud on the ceiling of the pool that looks like a unicorn with a ponytail? Well, that looks just like you. So she said You know, once I saw a cactus on the side of the road that looked just like you. It was just a big blob. So that was really fun. And on our first night there, we played Truth or Dare at the pool and I got dared to sit in the hot tub, then go outside and roll around in the snow. This is one of the coldest places in the US we're talking about and I had to go outside at night and roll in the snow in a bikini swimsuit after sitting in the hot tub! It was painful! It was pretty down there and there were some huge icicles hanging off the buildings. One must have been 12 feet tall! It snowed the whole time we were there. On the way there, we're in a small town and like 3 school buses drive by and we're like wow! That's a lot of school buses. Then 5 more come along, then 3 more. In all, we saw 21 school buses and it was funny! The drive down there was pretty good...until we got to Monarch Pass. So it's nice and sunny out and all of a sudden, as we drive into the pass, it starts to snow hard. It was so icy and we spun a few times and there was this huge cliff next to us and I was scared we'd go off of it. And part of the way it was white-out conditions which is where you can't see anything. When we got to Gunnison, Jill's mom told us that they might close the pass it was that bad. And the way back was icy on Monarch, but not as bad as the way down there. When it got dark and we were driving back home, all of a sudden we hit a huge blizzard and you couldn't see anything and we almost went off the side of the road. Well, we were like Wow that was scary and all of a sudden I see this triangle shaped light up in the sky and I was like AHHHHH!!! A UFO!!!! And then we realized that it was this lit-up statue of Santa Maria on a mountain and that the blizzard was in fact, Kenosha Pass. Until then, I had had no idea where we were. I thought we were still back where the mountain cowboys live. It's this huge plain, about half the way there and it's all white from snow. So I call it the place where the mountain cowboys live. lol So we made it home safe after a FANTASTIC weekend! So Monday, I was really tired cuz we got home late Sunday night. I fell asleep while i was doing my makeup and my mascara brush got stuck to my cheek and i fell asleep at the kitchen table on my bro's homework and i drooled all over it. lol My dad goes, Sarah do you need to stay home? And I was like Yes. And then I fell asleep again. So I slept until like 11:30 in the morning and when I woke up, I found out we had Avs tickets for that night that my mom won at work. So we went to the Avs game and sat in a SUITE!!!!!! Yes it was the best day ever. I got to stay home and go to an Avs game in a suite! So then on Tuesday, Kristen asked me how Monarch Pass was. And I said bad. And she said What'd you do? And I said, We did half a donut! And Kristen goes, no I meant, did you guys watch a DVD or something. lol So yeah that was funny. Oh! Let's go back to Friday! So language arts was awesome! We had a day to work on our author studies so I did Shannon's hair. I did the beehive style and Asian Shannon oh and don't forget the Oops I got Joel's Pen Stuck in your hair style! lol it was fun! And then I made her hit her head on the desk, so I kissed the top of her head then went Plah! Plah! Plah! and wiped my lips on her arm. It was funny. Anyway, back to yesterday in science all the guys were singing some Bob Marley song and I was telling Skye about it and I was like Yeah, I think it's called Barbecue Cowboy or something like that. And then today I told Sierra about it and she goes Oh! You mean Buffalo Soldier! lol Today was our orchestra concert and we went to Dairy Queen and I was eating my ice cream funny. Yeah, so TGTF (thank God tomorrow's Friday) Have a good night!


Shannon said...

Barbeque Cowboy!!!! Lol my favorite was the aisian shannon. I have pic of on my blog!

Sarah said...

lol! I luv the pics on ur blog! My fav was Oops I Got Joel's Pen Stuck In Your Hair. lol that was funny. Luv you lots!