Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Happy Tuesday!

So today was the first day back after a 3 day weekend. And I was soooo tired this morning that when I was putting my shoes on I fell back asleep on the floor. Yep I know, it's sad. So anyway, I finally gave Sierra Niemic (or however u spell her last name) her Christmas present and she liked it. And she really likes the Detroit Red Wings and I have tickets to a Red Wings vs. Avalanche game. I have an extra ticket so I invited her to go with me and she totally freaked out. Yeah it was funny. In orchestra, Shannon wanted to sit in the stand forest in the top of the room, but I wouldn't let her, so we made our own. And we listened to the Mugglecast podcast. It was kinda dirty. They were talking about the supposed tattoo on Harry's chest that Ginny jokes he has in HP 6th book. And in the 7th book when there are 7 harrys ron says he knew ginny was lying about Harry's tattoo. And they said that if he had it, ginny would have seen it. Yeah you kinda had to listen to it to get it. So in geometry today, we were talking about how the origin was the place where the x and y axises meet on a linear graph and we said Ms. Dean never taught us that and we were arguing with Walterbach about it and finally I said "She didn't teach us that cuz I don't remember her teaching that and I have a photo whatever it's called memory" and she laughed her head off cuz i couldn't even remember what the word for having a perfect memory is. But I really do have a photogenic memory. I remember what song was playing on the radio when we got to our hotel in Florida 2 years ago. It was "You Can Feel It All Over". I also remember what outfit I was wearing the first snow day before Winter Break in 7th grade.. It was a red shirt that said Seasons Greetings and has animals on it and it wasn't fitted and i didn't like it, but I wanted to wear a Christmas shirt. So I wore a cream colored sweater over it. And I wore a pair of jeans. And then when I found out it was a snow day, I changed into something else. lol My parents are pissed at me cuz I said I don't wanna do community service for NJHS and my mom went into this big lecture about how she hopes I never need help and blah blah blah and I told her to shut up. So now I'm pissed. It wasn't a very good day. So I'm gonna go be pissed all by myself in my room now. I hope all of your days were better than mine. UPDATE: My mommy really wasn't mad at me cuz I said I waz tired and that's why I was so rude to her and I didn't go to hockey cuz I really don't feel good. And I watched American Idol! Did u see the girl who sat on Simon's lap? lol that waz soo funny! So my day ended good. I luv all u guys!