Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Day that Started out Bad but Ended Good don't laugh at my totally stupid title!  But anyway, today did start out like crap.  so i got to school, totally looking forward to having access to work on my incredibly huge amount of homework.  But then Kristen tells me we have an NJHS meeting.  uggg... So all of a sudden I get all depressed and I realize just how much stuff I have to do in such a short amount of time and couldn't handle NJHS and all this stuff.  i really wanted to cry, but if I did, my mascara would have smeared and turned my face blue. lol which would have been pretty funny, but anyway so I went to the meeting and it was ok and i finished my huge amount of homework later.  So orchestra is when the day got good.  So now I have a new life's ambition: to get Knighted by the Queen of England.  Yeah, I know it's awesome!  So anyway in orchestra we were talking about knights and Shannon goes Sarah you could be my knight in shining armour.  and I was like wow! shannon, i didn't know you were like that, but if you are, thanx for coming out.  lol  and then outside after lunch, i was cold so shannon had her arms wrapped around me to warm me up and Mallory and Anna walk over and they looked at me funny and I was like, I'm not gay, I'm cold!  and mallory goes yeah but we all know about shannon (cuz what happened in orchestra) lol so the day got better which is good cuz i don't like being sad.  Oh yeah, I just remembered something!  ok, so the other day in math we were telling our grades to Ms. Walterbach out loud like she'd say Sarah! and i'd say i got 15 out of 16 and she'd go on to the next person.  So she was doing that and in the meantime me and Emily (Robitschek) were trying to write left handed and all of a sudden there is dead silence in the classroom.  Suddenly, I realize that walterbach called emily's name, but emily didn't realize it cuz she was trying very hard to write left handed, so I start laughing my head off and Emily's sitting next to me saying What?  and i said it's u it's ur turn, but i was laughing so hard, i couldn't talk right so then hannah looks at emily weird and emily looks confused, then goes back to writing left handed.  then everybody starts laughing and looking at emily who still doesn't know what's going on and walterbach goes Isn't this dead silence weird?  and emily goes what? and i said she called on you.  and emily goes OH!!! well, i was wondering why hannah was looking at me weird and why everybody was looking at me.  In all, it took like five minutes for emily to realize the whole thing. lol   It was so cold today!  So now i'm sitting here drinking a cup of hot chocolate.  and it's good (but not as good as starbucks) Did anybody watch American Idol last night? If you did then You are my brother, My best friend forever, Singing the songs you loooooooove! lol That was so funny! Thanx to Katie for the half of a pretzel at lunch! It was yummy!  And Shannon, if you're out there, how's the fondue in your basement doing? lol Thanx to all of my readers and I will update tomorrow!


Shannon said...

OMFG You make me laugh so hard Sarah. Heres the link to the layout site:

- Hugs! -

Sarah said...

Thanks Shannon! I got a new one! It's pretty cool!