Monday, January 21, 2008

Happy MLK Day!

So everybody, Happy MLK day! I really don't exactly know why it's a holiday, but we get the day off school and that's all I really care about. But Martin Luther King Jr was a great man and he accomplished great things. Anyway, I am so sorry I didn't update yesterday, but I was out late at the Avs game. The Avs won 3-1 so Yay! So yesterday morning I got rid of all the old clothes in my closet that don't fit me anymore. My closet was so full that I couldn't fit anything else in it. So then I went to see Enchanted with some of my friends and then we went to the mall. There was this shirt that I really liked there, but I didn't have enough money for it. Well, I almost had enough...I was only 2 dollars short. But some of my friends loaned me money! And to those of you that did that, I thank you very much and I will pay you back tomorrow! But the shirt is sooo cute! It's from Abercrombie and it's white with a green flower (kinda like one of those Hawaii flowers if you know what I mean) on the side of it! I love it sooo much! And to Shannon, I'm not gonna wear it to school tomorrow cuz I'll freeze my butt off. But anyway, today, I'm not doing much. I'm just staying home and maybe my dad will finally set up the Wii we got for Christmas. But I doubt it. We probably won't have any time to open it until after hockey is done in March or April. But today isn't a very good day. When I went to the Avalanche games, I screamed my head off of course, and now I can barely talk and I can't sing at all and I'm starting to get sick. Hopefully it's just a small cold. But it's kinda a good thing cuz I won't have to go to dryland tomorrow night for hockey. Have a good MLK day and I'll see y'all tomorrow! Well, I'll see most of you tomorrow. And sorry this post is soo short but I really don't have much to say. And I don't feel good so I think I'm gonna go take a nap.