Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Yay! I Have a Blog Now!

Well, this is like, my first blog ever.  Yay!  So you all better read it a lot!  lol  I'll update it a lot more than Shannon updates hers.  lol  Anyway, today was a super good day!  It was early release, so all of our classes were like 25 minutes long!  Except for 4th which was an hour, but that was science and we lit a desk on fire.  Thanx to mallory cuz she gave me some of her salad at lunch!  and it was good!  And when i got home, skye came over and we ate pizza and played guitar hero together!  then we took the Christmas tree down and i was sad, but my mom ordered me a coat online from Hollister, so now i'm happy!  It's brown and has a furry hood like katie's!  yay!  but i won't wear it to school cuz that would probably make katie mad if i was wearing the same coat as her.  and shannon and me got into a huge argument the other day about global warming and i just want to let her know that i won!  lol and she has been brainwashed!  lol today in orchestra people brought in songs and they had to tell about the people who sang the songs.  shannon brought in the boys like girls cd and when it was time for her to tell about them, she made it all up and said they came from england except for the drummer who came from new zealand and mr ingram looked it up and said they were from new england and shannon waz like, it's a good thing new england and england are pretty close!  lol it was kinda a u had to be there thing!  I'm really happy cuz I don't have hockey practice for another week!  But i have homework for hockey since we don't have as much ice time (usually we have 3 practices a week).  i have to watch a hockey game and write 2 paras about it.  should be easy cuz i'm going to both of the Avs games this weekend.  But i still have a lot of my author study to do and i'm a huge procrastinator so i wont do it until the weekend before it's due...crap, i'll be in gunnison that weekend.  In math the other day we were grading homework and emily and i traded papers and for one of the questions the answer was like triangle abc is similar to triangle def but our answer was like 3,4, and 6 or something and emily was just like ahh...close enough.  sry, but i'm just like thinking of funny things that have happened this week.  Oh and for everybody that took mr camarens big science test, I hope you all did good! And if Abigayle, reads this, I hope you are feeling better!


Shannon said...

I soo update mine! lol I love it!!

Sarah said...

I luv u shannon! u do update urs i was jking but mines not as good as urs

Anonymous said...

yay sarah!!! i will read it every day!!! and i dont mind if u wear ur coat. we could be twins!!! yay!

Sarah said...

I luv u Katie!

Sarah said...

Ur so sweet katie, but wouldn't you be embarassed if I wore the same coat as u?

Anonymous said...

not really!! cuz we r sissers!!!!

Sarah said...
