Thursday, January 24, 2008

Friday is Almost Here!

Well, the title says it all. I luv Fridays! I like live for Fridays! Well, not in the summer I don't but when we have school, Friday is the best! Friday nights are so cool cuz that's the part of the weekend that's farthest from Monday. I hate Mondays so let's not talk about them and get into that grumpy Monday mood. lol That was weird. Anyway today was a very good day for the most part. In orchestra, we didn't do anything cuz the teacher worked with the 2nd violins. If it weren't for my friends, I wouldn't be in that class I hate it so much. Anyway, so me and Shannon and Katie and Lyndsie and Ryan and Evan and Joel sat in the middle of the stand forest and the teacher was all suspicious of us and thought we were gonna talk and stuff. So everybody passed notes and me and Katie listened to Shannon's i-Pod and I eventually fell asleep. Well, not for long cuz someone kept tickling me. Whoever that was, I'm now out to get you. One way or another I'm gonna find you, I'm gonna get you, get you, get you, get you one way or another I'm gonna find you...anyway, so beware! lol Choir sucked and let's just leave it at that. And kudos to Natalie! In science, we did a lab where we had to collect gas from Hydrochloric Acid and Zinc and put flame to it and see which kind of flame and how the test tube is that makes the gas and flame react. So me and my partner thought the reaction would be some kind of fire or flame in the test tube. And we had the test tube like super close to our faces and all of a sudden it went POP!!!!!!!! And that was the reaction. And we screamed. It was scary. At lunch, I had a caesar salad and Mallory took the cheese from the tray of toppings for the salad and put it on her bagel. We all knew Mallory was a little weird, but this proves that she's a whole different species. Outside after lunch, me and Katie had fun with our matching coats. So my new coat is the same one as Katie's coat (no I didn't copy her, I was gonna buy that coat in October, but it was too expensive, and now the price went down) and the coats have fur lined hoods. The hood on my coat is way too big for me, so I took the part that was lined with fur and pulled it across my face and I went ahhh... and everybody thought that that was the funniest thing ever. Katie could not stop laughing. Kudos to Katie for laughing extremely hard at my not so funny joke! And Shannon goes, Katie, you and Sarah could be the Hollister Mafia and so me and Katie started singing the Mission Impossible theme and dancing and the people around us were looking at us funny so I said hi to them. It was extremely funny! Then after school, Skye came over and we played Guitar Hero and it was nice cuz it was just us in the house cuz my grandma was at the doctor. WARNING!!!!! (cue beeping sound) BEEP, BEEP, BEEP!!!!!!! ASHLEY HAS LICE!!!!! Skye told me that she was looking at Ashley's hair in their social studies class and Ashley goes, I have dandruff Skye. So Skye looked at her head and there were little white things crawling, yes crawling all in her hair. So don't go near her! If you have been near enough to her that you might have touched her head, get your hair checked out by a local doctor. AND NO MORE HUGS!!!!! If you hug her, you might be touching her hair. END OF WARNING lol If you have and questions or concerns about that, please see me or my dear friend, Skye. Have a good night everybody, and be happy, cuz tomorrow is Friday! YAY!!!!! It's time to party!!!!!!! I will see you all tomorrow!