Saturday, January 19, 2008

Yay! It's Saturday!

Finally! I went to the mall. I couldn't go last weekend cuz I was with my bro at his hockey tourney in Casper, Wyoming. I was also there for something else if u know what I mean. lol I've been a sad, poor, mall deprived teenager. So I finally went to mall today (Flatirons). And I got a lot of stuff! I went to Limited Too and got a super cute pink and yellow bikini 2 piece swimsuit and a pair of blue and white bermuda shorts. Then I went to Hollister to look for spring stuff and a swimsuit I wanted. They didn't have their swimsuits yet. I want one that's a 2 piece bikini that's light blue with little white seagulls all over it. It's soooo cute! But I did get 3 spring shirts. I got a white one that says Flip Flop It Like It's Summer with flip flops on it, a dark blue one that says Hollister California all over it and has palm trees and a seagull on it, and a pink tank top with lace edges and lace straps. They're sooo cute! Then I went to Victoria's Secret and got 5 pairs of underwear. Then I went to Dick's Sporting Goods (I still call it Galyan's tho cuz Dick's just doesn't sound right) and I got some UnderArmour stuff for when I go to Gunnison. I'm going to Gunnison the 2nd and 3rd of February to play 4 hockey games in 26 hours. Yeah and get this, the rink is outside and the forecasted temperature is -26 degrees. Yeah, I'm gonna freeze my butt off and I may get frostbite. When my friend Meg on my team went there last year, she got frostbite on her toes. I'm kinda scared. lol We also ate lunch at the mall and it was good. I had Paradise Bakery and Cafe. I love that place! But I still have a lot to buy for Spring and Summer cuz none of my clothes from last year fit. And we're leaving for Disney World in exactly 2 months so I need to get summer clothes by then cuz it's hot down there! I really love Disney World! It's my favorite place in the whole wide world. Well, actually it's tied with Maui, Hawaii for my fav place in the whole wide word. But I do love it there. This will be my 10th time going there and I'm sooo excited! We're staying at The Swan and Dolphin, a Disney resort, so we get Extra Magic Hours! Only 60 more days till I leave! Yay! I went to the Avalanche game last night and it was sooo good! They went into a shootout. The Avs ended up losing, but it was still a great game and they still get a point for it. And I'm going to the game tomorrow, so maybe we'll get a win then. I hope so! Sorry that this post is so short, but I'm going out to dinner now! Have a good long weekend and I will update this tomorrow!