Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Pissed Off

Today was a very yucky day. I was like pissed off the whole day and I just didn't feel like myself. In orchestra, me and Shannon just recited like half of the Legally Blonde Musical (ok so not really half, but the point is we could be on Broadway). Lunch was...idk i was super pissed off at lunch. First of all, someone won't stop going on and on about a certain someone else and it's pissing me off and annoying me. Then Abigayle and Katie and Shannon are laughing uncontrollably even though nothing funny happened and that pissed me off like super bad. Social Studies was the only good part of my day. Me and Katie were making bad cards for our game, so we did the alligator one, then we did one that said You fell into a deep dark hole with a spider in it. The spider bit you and you had to have your leg amputated. Move back five spaces. It was soooo funny! And in math, we were grading our homework and ms walterbach said that if we didn't show our work on one problem, it was automatically wrong which isn't fair. i got the answer right, but i didn't show my work, so anna, who was grading mine, said that she would count it wrong. Which pissed me off sooo bad, so i said Maybe not. and she gave me an evil face and then i told her that she's gotta be bad sometimes and that ms walterbach wasn't gonna come around, checking if we showed our work or not. (we don't turn our homework in, we just tell her what we got on it) And so that made me pissed and I don't think i ended up telling her i got it wrong, i said i got 100%. So I was pissed off like all day. And now I have tons of homework and hockey tonight. Uggg... Oh yeah I might not have time to update this tomorrow. And I definitely won't have time to update it Friday, Saturday, or Sunday cuz I'll be in Gunnison. So I'll try to update tomorrow, but my next definite update will be on Monday. So have a good weekend. Luv you all!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I am so stressed right now. My author study is due on tuesday and i can't work on it at all this weekend. And i still have a lot to do on it! And I have my social studies game and lang arts kids book due kinda soon. And with hockey, it's all crazy! so AHHHHH!!!!! Anyway, today was a good day. Today in orchestra we all sat in the stand forest and wore our golden pajamas! In choir, I tried out for a solo and everybody told me I did super good and i made it into the final 4 people she had to choose from, but she didn't choose me, but that's okay! It waz cool cuz everybody cheered for me when i walked up to sing it! I didn't really want it a lot either, though. At lunch, Mallory had a salad and she left to go to the bathroom, but she left her salad on the table. So me and Katie started eating it and I saw a purple thing that i thought was a radish, but it turned out to be an onion and it surprised me. and then there was this huge piece of lettuce i really wanted, so i picked it up, but it didn't want the whole thing, i just wanted to bite part of it off, but that would have been gross. So I took Mallory's fork and stabbed the lettuce to death until it broke in half and i ate half and katie ate the other half. We started laughing our heads off and Mallory comes back and is all like, What are you guys doing? And Katie says, It's not what we're doing, it's what we did. It was sooo funny! And then Katie remembered that Evan had mints, so we ran up to him and we were like, Evan can we have some mints? We ate onions. And he goes, I can smell it. It was sooo funny! And in social studies, me, katie and abigayle were making up bad cards for our board game and Abigayle goes, You lose your general, go back 5 spaces. And then I said, you got lost while looking for your general in a swamp and an alligator ate you, start all over. It was hilarious! And then I was putting the rolled up poster around my face and Katie and Abigayle said I looked funny. lol Sorry this post isn't long, but i want to go to bed. And yes, I'll wear my golden pajamas to bed. lol

Sunday, January 27, 2008


Sorry I didn't update yesterday! I had to go to bed early so I could wake up early for my hockey scrimmage. Well, it was a super long game. We played three 20 minute periods with a stop clock. Usually it's two 15 minute periods with a running clock (they never stop the clock) and one 13 minute period with a stop clock (the clock stops at whistles). So I got a lot of ice time. The team we played was pretty good, although they aren't in our league. The other team didn't have a goalie today, so at first they wanted our back up goalie to be goalie for them, and she asked our goalie coach to do it, but the other team got mad about that, so they ended up using their coach as their goalie. And he was really good. But we tied the game 1-1. Yesterday, I went shopping. I got a pair of pink plaid shorts with a tan belt, a green shirt, and a pink tank top from American Eagle; a tank top from Hollister; and a pair of pajamas and underwear from Victoria's Secret. At American Eagle they gave me this All-Access Pass and you get points for what you buy and you can use the points to get discounts! You should all get one! I love that store! Snaps for American Eagle! (snap, snap, snap) lol! Today I'm just hanging out, doing my author study. I was having trouble with the connection essay like connecting the author to his works, so I e-mailed the author! And he e-mailed me back! So Yay! He really is a nice guy too. Do you know what? I didn't get to sleep in today ( I got up at 4:30), I don't get to sleep in all school week, and I won't get to sleep in next weekend cuz I have to drive up to Gunnison early on Saturday and I have a game early there on Sunday. Well, actually we might drive up Friday afternoon cuz my mom wants me to rest on Saturday before my games. Sorry this is so short, but I'm going out to lunch now! See you all tomorrow!

Friday, January 25, 2008


Hallelujah! It's Friday! I know this was a short week and all, but I don't think I've ever looked forward to a Friday more. This week was okay. Before school, I had to give my NJHS hours form to Mr. Waalkes (cuz Mr. Copper wasn't there) and Lyndsie had to show him the shirts she bought. So we found him sitting on the bench by the office. So we start to walk there from the cafeteria and the lady who always stands there to make sure you don't go into the actual main school when you're not supposed to yelled at us (even though Waalkes was only like 20 feet away), so Mallory and Kristen took care of her while me and Lyndsie ran to Waalkes. I handed him my hours form quickly and Lyndsie stayed to talk to him. So I walk back to Mallory and Kristen and the mean lady is yelling at him and she's like What were you doing? And Kristen said We needed to talk to Mr. Waalkes about NJHS. And the lady goes Well you know you're not supposed to do that and you're NJHS too. She was so pissed and we were all just like Geez lady, what's your problem? So anyway, orchestra was boring and so was choir. But we got to work on our author projects in language arts and so I just talked the whole time. I was trying to draw Lord Ombra from the book Peter and the ShadowThieves and he's just this cloaked thing with arms. So I drew him and he looked just like a bell. Yeah it was sad. And I tried to draw a dog, but it just didn't work out. lol I'm not that talented of an artist. In science, we did a lab and Ms. Askham came to our class and said she was gonna videotape somebody doing the lab so the people who were absent in her class when they did it could watch it and not have to actually take the time to do it. And guess who she chose to videotape? Yep, me and my partner. It was very nervewracking. And to make it all worse, my partner left less than halfway through the lab to go to the bathroom. So there I am all by myself, being videotaped by some lady, and not knowing really what exactly to do. It kinda sucked. Except now I'll be famous with all the absent people from the other class. So at lunch, Kristen told us that Brooke Dunning had seen Shannon's camera (it was stolen last week out of her locker in case you didn't know) outside on the hill by the hall where me and Katie's lockers are. So then we saw Shannon and she asked Mr. Talbot if she could go look for it and he said no. So me and Katie and Evan asked Ms. Cavaleri if we could go look for it and she said yes. So we looked and it was freezing cold and it was kinda creepy out there all alone. I felt like I was in Mission Impossible or something like that. We didn't find the camera. So we went back to advisement and Ms Cav asked us if we found it. Katie said No, we need to talk to Brooke Dunning. And Ms. Cav says That Brooke Dunning? And all of a sudden, there is Brooke in our advisement class and she isn't really in it. So Brooke took us outside and showed us where she saw the camera, but it wasn't there. So we went in and checked the office and the lost and found, but we couldn't find it. But it was quite fun looking for it. And Shannon, I hope you either get a new camera, or someone finds yours! In social studies, me and Katie and Abigayle were working on the questions for our game and all of a sudden, I reach over, scribble on the side of Katie's paper, start laughing all weird, then go SHHHH!!!!!! It was funny! In math we took a super easy test. And that sucked because I spent 2 hours studying for it last night and it was like, the easiest test I've ever taken. And when I got home from school, I was surprised cuz my mommy was home! Yay! I luv my mommy! I'm gonna go shopping tomorrow and on Sunday, I have a hockey scrimmage at 7:30 in the morning. That means I have to be there at 6:30, and the rink is super far away, so I'll have to leave at 5:30 and get up at 4. That sucks, but I don't know if I'm gonna go cuz it's just a scrimmage and I have 4 games next weekend anyway. I will try to update tomorrow. I hope you all have a great weekend!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Friday is Almost Here!

Well, the title says it all. I luv Fridays! I like live for Fridays! Well, not in the summer I don't but when we have school, Friday is the best! Friday nights are so cool cuz that's the part of the weekend that's farthest from Monday. I hate Mondays so let's not talk about them and get into that grumpy Monday mood. lol That was weird. Anyway today was a very good day for the most part. In orchestra, we didn't do anything cuz the teacher worked with the 2nd violins. If it weren't for my friends, I wouldn't be in that class I hate it so much. Anyway, so me and Shannon and Katie and Lyndsie and Ryan and Evan and Joel sat in the middle of the stand forest and the teacher was all suspicious of us and thought we were gonna talk and stuff. So everybody passed notes and me and Katie listened to Shannon's i-Pod and I eventually fell asleep. Well, not for long cuz someone kept tickling me. Whoever that was, I'm now out to get you. One way or another I'm gonna find you, I'm gonna get you, get you, get you, get you one way or another I'm gonna find you...anyway, so beware! lol Choir sucked and let's just leave it at that. And kudos to Natalie! In science, we did a lab where we had to collect gas from Hydrochloric Acid and Zinc and put flame to it and see which kind of flame and how the test tube is that makes the gas and flame react. So me and my partner thought the reaction would be some kind of fire or flame in the test tube. And we had the test tube like super close to our faces and all of a sudden it went POP!!!!!!!! And that was the reaction. And we screamed. It was scary. At lunch, I had a caesar salad and Mallory took the cheese from the tray of toppings for the salad and put it on her bagel. We all knew Mallory was a little weird, but this proves that she's a whole different species. Outside after lunch, me and Katie had fun with our matching coats. So my new coat is the same one as Katie's coat (no I didn't copy her, I was gonna buy that coat in October, but it was too expensive, and now the price went down) and the coats have fur lined hoods. The hood on my coat is way too big for me, so I took the part that was lined with fur and pulled it across my face and I went ahhh... and everybody thought that that was the funniest thing ever. Katie could not stop laughing. Kudos to Katie for laughing extremely hard at my not so funny joke! And Shannon goes, Katie, you and Sarah could be the Hollister Mafia and so me and Katie started singing the Mission Impossible theme and dancing and the people around us were looking at us funny so I said hi to them. It was extremely funny! Then after school, Skye came over and we played Guitar Hero and it was nice cuz it was just us in the house cuz my grandma was at the doctor. WARNING!!!!! (cue beeping sound) BEEP, BEEP, BEEP!!!!!!! ASHLEY HAS LICE!!!!! Skye told me that she was looking at Ashley's hair in their social studies class and Ashley goes, I have dandruff Skye. So Skye looked at her head and there were little white things crawling, yes crawling all in her hair. So don't go near her! If you have been near enough to her that you might have touched her head, get your hair checked out by a local doctor. AND NO MORE HUGS!!!!! If you hug her, you might be touching her hair. END OF WARNING lol If you have and questions or concerns about that, please see me or my dear friend, Skye. Have a good night everybody, and be happy, cuz tomorrow is Friday! YAY!!!!! It's time to party!!!!!!! I will see you all tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A Wonderful Day!

Okay...So today was a wonderful day! My coat came and it's absolutely gorgeous and sexy. I love it! And I forgot to write about something funny that happened yesterday. So, I was in advisement talking to Katie and I was all like I don't wanna go to social studies. It should go die in a hole. And Katie goes How bout' a dark hole? And I said Yeah! With a spider in it! It was very funny! So today in orchestra, I was sad and I don't know why, so Shannon looks at me and says Are you depressed? And Katie says Where does depression hurt? Everywhere. Who does depression hurt? Everyone. Cymbalta can help. lol and it was so funny that it cheered me up! Oh and I lost my voice from cheering at the Avs game, so when I laugh it's all funny and in orchestra today Katie said something funny and I snorted out loud and everybody looked at me. It was embarrassing but funny. And in math, we all played poker and we bet with crap from Evan's supply box and he didn't know about it and when jordan told him, he got all pissed. Oh and in math, we put tickets with our names on them in this bag and someone draws 2 tickets to get a big candy bar and sierra niemiec's name got picked and she gave her candy bar to me! And it's huge! And it's dark chocolate! I luv her so much! Me and Katie and Abigayle started making our board game in social studies and it's gonna be great! Oh and after school today, I was hugging Mallory and i backed up and i ran into some kid and he was all hunched over and I saw him and I went AHHHHH!!!!! and he looked at me like i was crazy. it was soo funny! And on the bus, some sevvie was begging the girl in front of me for candy and he said i'm not leaving till' you give me some and he sat down in my seat and i pushed him out into the aisle and it was so funny! I have hockey tonight and i really don't feel good but i kinda have to go, cuz i didn't go last night. So i'm gonna go now. Sry this post is so short! I will see you all tomorrow!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Happy Tuesday!

So today was the first day back after a 3 day weekend. And I was soooo tired this morning that when I was putting my shoes on I fell back asleep on the floor. Yep I know, it's sad. So anyway, I finally gave Sierra Niemic (or however u spell her last name) her Christmas present and she liked it. And she really likes the Detroit Red Wings and I have tickets to a Red Wings vs. Avalanche game. I have an extra ticket so I invited her to go with me and she totally freaked out. Yeah it was funny. In orchestra, Shannon wanted to sit in the stand forest in the top of the room, but I wouldn't let her, so we made our own. And we listened to the Mugglecast podcast. It was kinda dirty. They were talking about the supposed tattoo on Harry's chest that Ginny jokes he has in HP 6th book. And in the 7th book when there are 7 harrys ron says he knew ginny was lying about Harry's tattoo. And they said that if he had it, ginny would have seen it. Yeah you kinda had to listen to it to get it. So in geometry today, we were talking about how the origin was the place where the x and y axises meet on a linear graph and we said Ms. Dean never taught us that and we were arguing with Walterbach about it and finally I said "She didn't teach us that cuz I don't remember her teaching that and I have a photo whatever it's called memory" and she laughed her head off cuz i couldn't even remember what the word for having a perfect memory is. But I really do have a photogenic memory. I remember what song was playing on the radio when we got to our hotel in Florida 2 years ago. It was "You Can Feel It All Over". I also remember what outfit I was wearing the first snow day before Winter Break in 7th grade.. It was a red shirt that said Seasons Greetings and has animals on it and it wasn't fitted and i didn't like it, but I wanted to wear a Christmas shirt. So I wore a cream colored sweater over it. And I wore a pair of jeans. And then when I found out it was a snow day, I changed into something else. lol My parents are pissed at me cuz I said I don't wanna do community service for NJHS and my mom went into this big lecture about how she hopes I never need help and blah blah blah and I told her to shut up. So now I'm pissed. It wasn't a very good day. So I'm gonna go be pissed all by myself in my room now. I hope all of your days were better than mine. UPDATE: My mommy really wasn't mad at me cuz I said I waz tired and that's why I was so rude to her and I didn't go to hockey cuz I really don't feel good. And I watched American Idol! Did u see the girl who sat on Simon's lap? lol that waz soo funny! So my day ended good. I luv all u guys!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Happy MLK Day!

So everybody, Happy MLK day! I really don't exactly know why it's a holiday, but we get the day off school and that's all I really care about. But Martin Luther King Jr was a great man and he accomplished great things. Anyway, I am so sorry I didn't update yesterday, but I was out late at the Avs game. The Avs won 3-1 so Yay! So yesterday morning I got rid of all the old clothes in my closet that don't fit me anymore. My closet was so full that I couldn't fit anything else in it. So then I went to see Enchanted with some of my friends and then we went to the mall. There was this shirt that I really liked there, but I didn't have enough money for it. Well, I almost had enough...I was only 2 dollars short. But some of my friends loaned me money! And to those of you that did that, I thank you very much and I will pay you back tomorrow! But the shirt is sooo cute! It's from Abercrombie and it's white with a green flower (kinda like one of those Hawaii flowers if you know what I mean) on the side of it! I love it sooo much! And to Shannon, I'm not gonna wear it to school tomorrow cuz I'll freeze my butt off. But anyway, today, I'm not doing much. I'm just staying home and maybe my dad will finally set up the Wii we got for Christmas. But I doubt it. We probably won't have any time to open it until after hockey is done in March or April. But today isn't a very good day. When I went to the Avalanche games, I screamed my head off of course, and now I can barely talk and I can't sing at all and I'm starting to get sick. Hopefully it's just a small cold. But it's kinda a good thing cuz I won't have to go to dryland tomorrow night for hockey. Have a good MLK day and I'll see y'all tomorrow! Well, I'll see most of you tomorrow. And sorry this post is soo short but I really don't have much to say. And I don't feel good so I think I'm gonna go take a nap.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Yay! It's Saturday!

Finally! I went to the mall. I couldn't go last weekend cuz I was with my bro at his hockey tourney in Casper, Wyoming. I was also there for something else if u know what I mean. lol I've been a sad, poor, mall deprived teenager. So I finally went to mall today (Flatirons). And I got a lot of stuff! I went to Limited Too and got a super cute pink and yellow bikini 2 piece swimsuit and a pair of blue and white bermuda shorts. Then I went to Hollister to look for spring stuff and a swimsuit I wanted. They didn't have their swimsuits yet. I want one that's a 2 piece bikini that's light blue with little white seagulls all over it. It's soooo cute! But I did get 3 spring shirts. I got a white one that says Flip Flop It Like It's Summer with flip flops on it, a dark blue one that says Hollister California all over it and has palm trees and a seagull on it, and a pink tank top with lace edges and lace straps. They're sooo cute! Then I went to Victoria's Secret and got 5 pairs of underwear. Then I went to Dick's Sporting Goods (I still call it Galyan's tho cuz Dick's just doesn't sound right) and I got some UnderArmour stuff for when I go to Gunnison. I'm going to Gunnison the 2nd and 3rd of February to play 4 hockey games in 26 hours. Yeah and get this, the rink is outside and the forecasted temperature is -26 degrees. Yeah, I'm gonna freeze my butt off and I may get frostbite. When my friend Meg on my team went there last year, she got frostbite on her toes. I'm kinda scared. lol We also ate lunch at the mall and it was good. I had Paradise Bakery and Cafe. I love that place! But I still have a lot to buy for Spring and Summer cuz none of my clothes from last year fit. And we're leaving for Disney World in exactly 2 months so I need to get summer clothes by then cuz it's hot down there! I really love Disney World! It's my favorite place in the whole wide world. Well, actually it's tied with Maui, Hawaii for my fav place in the whole wide word. But I do love it there. This will be my 10th time going there and I'm sooo excited! We're staying at The Swan and Dolphin, a Disney resort, so we get Extra Magic Hours! Only 60 more days till I leave! Yay! I went to the Avalanche game last night and it was sooo good! They went into a shootout. The Avs ended up losing, but it was still a great game and they still get a point for it. And I'm going to the game tomorrow, so maybe we'll get a win then. I hope so! Sorry that this post is so short, but I'm going out to dinner now! Have a good long weekend and I will update this tomorrow!

Friday, January 18, 2008


It's finally Friday! And we get a 3 day weekend! Yay! I'm going to the Avalanche game tonight and Sunday night. I'm going shopping Saturday. anyway, today was a pretty good day. something funny happened in orchestra I just can't remember what. and me and katie and shannon did our musketeer thing with our bows. and we also put them on our noses! my friend has her first crush and she's totally obsessed with the guy. she's finding all these things that are the same between her and him. reminds me of when a certain somebody liked a certain guy that starts with s...hmm...I wonder if she ever tried peach iced tea lol that's okay i do the same thing. like the guy i like and i both have red hair and we both play hockey and...i could go on forever. lol in advisement me and katie looked at people magazines from last year. there was some hot guy in one of them and he had bright red hair! he was soooooo hot! in geometry we just sat there and played cards cuz we were done with our homework! I totally kicked Hannah, Anna, and Emily's butts. lol I was sooo good. and on my way home from the bus stop i walked with jason rock and we talked. he's not a jerk when he's not with his friends. like before he started hanging out with adam and sean and those guys, we used to be like best friends almost. anyway, so now i'm just sitting here. remembering good times lol today me and mallory were talking about 3rd grade. that was like my favorite grade. sorry this one is sooo short, i just don't have much to say. thanx to all my readers!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Day that Started out Bad but Ended Good don't laugh at my totally stupid title!  But anyway, today did start out like crap.  so i got to school, totally looking forward to having access to work on my incredibly huge amount of homework.  But then Kristen tells me we have an NJHS meeting.  uggg... So all of a sudden I get all depressed and I realize just how much stuff I have to do in such a short amount of time and couldn't handle NJHS and all this stuff.  i really wanted to cry, but if I did, my mascara would have smeared and turned my face blue. lol which would have been pretty funny, but anyway so I went to the meeting and it was ok and i finished my huge amount of homework later.  So orchestra is when the day got good.  So now I have a new life's ambition: to get Knighted by the Queen of England.  Yeah, I know it's awesome!  So anyway in orchestra we were talking about knights and Shannon goes Sarah you could be my knight in shining armour.  and I was like wow! shannon, i didn't know you were like that, but if you are, thanx for coming out.  lol  and then outside after lunch, i was cold so shannon had her arms wrapped around me to warm me up and Mallory and Anna walk over and they looked at me funny and I was like, I'm not gay, I'm cold!  and mallory goes yeah but we all know about shannon (cuz what happened in orchestra) lol so the day got better which is good cuz i don't like being sad.  Oh yeah, I just remembered something!  ok, so the other day in math we were telling our grades to Ms. Walterbach out loud like she'd say Sarah! and i'd say i got 15 out of 16 and she'd go on to the next person.  So she was doing that and in the meantime me and Emily (Robitschek) were trying to write left handed and all of a sudden there is dead silence in the classroom.  Suddenly, I realize that walterbach called emily's name, but emily didn't realize it cuz she was trying very hard to write left handed, so I start laughing my head off and Emily's sitting next to me saying What?  and i said it's u it's ur turn, but i was laughing so hard, i couldn't talk right so then hannah looks at emily weird and emily looks confused, then goes back to writing left handed.  then everybody starts laughing and looking at emily who still doesn't know what's going on and walterbach goes Isn't this dead silence weird?  and emily goes what? and i said she called on you.  and emily goes OH!!! well, i was wondering why hannah was looking at me weird and why everybody was looking at me.  In all, it took like five minutes for emily to realize the whole thing. lol   It was so cold today!  So now i'm sitting here drinking a cup of hot chocolate.  and it's good (but not as good as starbucks) Did anybody watch American Idol last night? If you did then You are my brother, My best friend forever, Singing the songs you loooooooove! lol That was so funny! Thanx to Katie for the half of a pretzel at lunch! It was yummy!  And Shannon, if you're out there, how's the fondue in your basement doing? lol Thanx to all of my readers and I will update tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Yay! I Have a Blog Now!

Well, this is like, my first blog ever.  Yay!  So you all better read it a lot!  lol  I'll update it a lot more than Shannon updates hers.  lol  Anyway, today was a super good day!  It was early release, so all of our classes were like 25 minutes long!  Except for 4th which was an hour, but that was science and we lit a desk on fire.  Thanx to mallory cuz she gave me some of her salad at lunch!  and it was good!  And when i got home, skye came over and we ate pizza and played guitar hero together!  then we took the Christmas tree down and i was sad, but my mom ordered me a coat online from Hollister, so now i'm happy!  It's brown and has a furry hood like katie's!  yay!  but i won't wear it to school cuz that would probably make katie mad if i was wearing the same coat as her.  and shannon and me got into a huge argument the other day about global warming and i just want to let her know that i won!  lol and she has been brainwashed!  lol today in orchestra people brought in songs and they had to tell about the people who sang the songs.  shannon brought in the boys like girls cd and when it was time for her to tell about them, she made it all up and said they came from england except for the drummer who came from new zealand and mr ingram looked it up and said they were from new england and shannon waz like, it's a good thing new england and england are pretty close!  lol it was kinda a u had to be there thing!  I'm really happy cuz I don't have hockey practice for another week!  But i have homework for hockey since we don't have as much ice time (usually we have 3 practices a week).  i have to watch a hockey game and write 2 paras about it.  should be easy cuz i'm going to both of the Avs games this weekend.  But i still have a lot of my author study to do and i'm a huge procrastinator so i wont do it until the weekend before it's due...crap, i'll be in gunnison that weekend.  In math the other day we were grading homework and emily and i traded papers and for one of the questions the answer was like triangle abc is similar to triangle def but our answer was like 3,4, and 6 or something and emily was just like ahh...close enough.  sry, but i'm just like thinking of funny things that have happened this week.  Oh and for everybody that took mr camarens big science test, I hope you all did good! And if Abigayle, reads this, I hope you are feeling better!