Friday, February 8, 2008

Even Crazier Than Yesterday!

Yeah for Fridays! That's a picture of my wonderful kitty cat, Scampie and a picture of my other kitty, Hunny. Sorry they're see through cuz of my background. So anyway, last night, we had an orchestra concert and after it, we all went out to Dairy Queen. I was eating my ice cream in my new way which is basically where you stick your whole face into the ice cream cone, and it got all over my face. And I was texting with Shannon's phone but it's on t9 or something where it puts the word in automatically for you and i tried to type my name and it came up as like wekdireshtie. So Shannon laughed at me and I said "Well, you can't blame me! I don't have a phone like this! I get a whole virtual keyboard when I text" (cuz I have an i-Phone) And before the concert, Katie was stuck in the sinkhole on I-25. Ok, well she wasn't stuck in it, but she had trouble getting from chorale to the concert. We told Joel she was stuck in it and he was like WHAT?? And we laughed. So me and Shannon jumped up and down and went Katie Come Home, Katie Come Home! And then we skipped all over and we got some pretty weird looks. So today, I get to school and ashley comes up to me and says hi. And i said hi all cold. And she was like What's Wrong? And I was like Nothing, but I said it really mad and mean. And then Bre Miller comes up and says You don't sound good. Do you need a hug? And I said YES!!!! And then she gave me another one later! Gosh, that girl is sooo sweet! So during 4th period, me and Kristen sold Valo-Grams and we did good, but then when our lunch started, Lyndsie comes up and is all like okay, we can take your spots now. You guys can leave. But me and Kristen were going to sell them that lunch too so We said No, we're staying. And Lyndsie goes, No you can leave. And so I got all mad and yelled, Well I need some hours! So me and Kristen announced names and Lyndsie and Mallory worked the desk where people buy them. But it was super crowded up there and Lyndsie was being super bossy, and I really wanted to punch her in the face and say Stop Being So Bossy! Once, I was eating and she shoved a card into my face and said Why don't you get to work and i really wanted to say Why don't you stop being so bossy. Yeah she was pissing me off so bad. Once she made me go through the whole bag of cards to look for one certain one and she wouldn't make another one for them until 10 minutes later...uggg... She is nice and I luv her but she was being really bossy. In social studies me, Katie, Kristen, and Ryan just talked all class about well, first kisses and thongs and crap like that. lol It was fun. Oh yesterday in ss, Kristen was reading a paragraph out loud from this article we were supposed to be reading, but we were all trying to fix Ryan's binder cuz I broke it and Kristen goes Jesus! Are you guys listening? And Katie says, No. And I said, But Jesus is. It was so perfect and funny! But anyway, in math, I was grading Sadie's paper and I counted her wrong on only one problem even though she didn't do 2 problems cuz we have this deal that as long as we understand the lesson, we can't count each other off a lot of problems and Anna looks over and says, what about that one she didn't do? And I said what about it? And Anna says Sarah, be honest. And I just smirked and now she's pissed at me. It didn't even have anything to do with her. Ugg... So that's where my day ends. I'm gonna go out for dinner tonight. And tomorrow, I have a hockey game at APEX at 9:00 am and after that, I'm going to the mall. So have a good weekend and I will update as soon as I can!