Saturday, June 28, 2008


OMG!!!!! So this is just gonna be a short post, because it's late and stuff but...I finally got a new haircut!!!! Here's a pic but it's not that great...I love it! I got a straightener that'll straighten it like that and I can also leave it curly! I think it looks great! Leave a comment and tell me what you think!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Start of Summer

So I'll start off by saying how much I hate the frickin school board for making us go back to school earlier that usual. And all we get is a few more days off in the middle of the year. I would much rather have a longer summer. Grrr... Anyway so far my summer has been absolutely amazing and somewhat boring lol. I went to Water World with Katie and Shannon and we had sooo much fun! We got to climb a rock wall with the National Guard and they were sooo funny! (you don't have time?) (OMG they killed Katie!) lol And then they dragged me on the dinosaur ride. I hate that one! I closed my eyes through the whole thing. lol Katie was all like "You'll be soo happy if you just leave your eyes open for once" and I was all like "I did the 1st time I rode it and that's why I don't anymore" lol We had an amazing time! And earlier this summer I went to Shannon's scavenger hunt bday party! Me and Katie were so sure we were gonna win, but we came in last. lol So we blame that on the fact that our clues were all messed up. lol Then we played Bigger or Better! That was sooo much fun! Some cool guy gave us a huge piece of wood (ok that doesn't sound right). lol So we were gonna knock the other team out if they got anything bigger or better than that. lol It was great. And then I had a party at my house with Katie, Courtney Lemmon, Anna, and my friend Kayleigh who was visiting from Tennessee! We had sooo much fun! We played Wii, then we swam at like 12 at night lol and heard some freaky noise lol and then we watched the Simpsons Movie. Everybody but Courtney stayed the night. Then last Friday, me and Katie and Shannon had our Lord of the Rings sleepover. Ya they were kinda confused about everything, so we just ended up taking pics of all the hot guys in the movies. Who can't resist a hot blonde elf? lol And we got into a rice krispie fight. I totally won. And me and Katie had these amazing pancake things for breakfast! Stupid Shannon had to leave early...Grrr... lol And Katie's basement is sooo amazing! Me and Shannon are gonna like go over there every weekend and live in there. lol She had these amazing drinks called Orangina and they rocked! Snaps for Orangina! This week has been pretty fun too. Monday night me and Jay went swimming and then we hung out with Sean, and his friend whose name I can't remember. lol Then my bro split his heel open and had to go and get 5 stitches. We were at the hospital until 12:45 that night. Ya I was sooo tired the next morning. And then last night there were these foxes in my yard so my family and the Rocks were all outside talking and looking at them and then everybody went in except for me and Jay and we were just sitting on the grass talking. He really is nice when he's not around his obnoxious friends. lol Ooh! And I'm going to Cali and Vegas in 15 days! Yay!